What’s going on at NMJN Accountants

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What’s going on at NMJN Accountants

So far 2023 has been another busy and eventful year for NMJN as we continue to strive to provide an outstanding level of accounting and tax advisor services to our old and new clients alike. After several years at our old office, moving to our new premises has been a refreshing welcome for all of us at NMJN and an exciting new begin for some.

New Offices

Our new office is located just off Worksop centre at Middletons Yard. Middletons Yard is a managed business hub comprising of 30 office spaces, a soon-to-be café and 2 meeting rooms. The beautifully designed buildings are a mix of contemporary materials and original features showing the buildings heritage. We are easily accessible via Potter Street or by foot via Brewers Yard or Skittle Alley towards the south end of Worksop’s busy high street.
The office comprises of 2 main working spaces, the first is the main office for the day to day running of NMJN and the second is our meeting room available to host meetings with clients. This provides us with ample space to work face to face with our clients in a professional and distraction free setting. This also gives us the opportunity to be able to offer the same service to our clients, allowing them to hire the meeting room for any meeting, training or presentations they may require.

New Apprenticeship

We are also happy to welcome our newest member of our team, Evie Mills. Evie joined us in 2022 on a work experience basis and has quickly become a valued member of our team. Evie has recently enrolled on a Level 3 AAT Diploma in Accounting apprenticeship through us and West Nottinghamshire College. Over the coming year she will studying numerous units such as preparing final accounts for partnerships and sole traders, cash management and preparing and completing VAT returns through classroom-based learning and hands on experience with our team.

Returning Staff

Our accountant Michaela Blount has also returned to our office after her maternity leave after having her second little boy in 2022. Michaela is currently on track to complete her Level 4 in AAT Professional Diploma in Accounting this year. She has had a long journey studying for her accountancy qualifications starting back in 2017 and has continued working hard on her studies through thick and thin, from global pandemics to new-borns and sleepless nights.

It’s been an adventure year so far, with new beginnings and some old faces, but as the end to the fiscal year approaches, we’re raring to go to offer a full range of tax advice and accounting services bespoke to our client’s needs. If you’re wanting to come talk to us about your current business or prospective new business venture or even just fancy a cuppa and a tour of our new office, we’ll always find the time at NMJN Accountants.

Helpful Links

Middletons Yarn, Worksop
West Notts College
AAT – Apprenticeships and Courses